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Mark & Jeff Johnson

Brothers, Owners, and Pitmasters of Boss Hog Barbecue

We discovered our passion for low and slow BBQ more than 15 years ago and have been perfecting our craft ever since. Our approach blends both the science and craftsmanship of cooking to produce high quality BBQ every time we fire up the smoker. We have high standards of quality and service, so our customers can be sure they’re getting unmatched BBQ flavors and outstanding service.

One of the keys to our authentic southern style is our smoker - “Goliath”




 Goliath is our third smoker, hand made in Georgia by award winning BBQ pro Lonnie “Bubba” Smith.
It’s a 500 gallon reverse flow cooker that uses hardwood as its only source of heat and smoke - the authentic Southern way. We don’t use any gadgets or shortcuts when we’re cooking either. Just good old fashioned BBQ knowledge and know-how.


Low and slow


 We fire up Goliath every morning before the sun comes up so we can serve our customers the freshest BBQ around. Because we cook at such low temperatures (225-250) it takes hours for the meat to arrive at barbecue perfection. That also means we can only sell what we put on the smoker before most of the world was awake. Even though we have a limited quantity, we do our best to anticipate customer demand so that we have enough BBQ to go around. Still, we’re really good at making BBQ, but not always perfect at prognosticating, so please don’t be offended if we sell out of your favorite BBQ!